What is KinetiXx's return policy?

You want to return an item?

We understand. Sometimes an article just isn't right for you, or you just imagined the article differently. As long as the item is still in its original condition, we accept free returns, subject to the rules listed below, which include our fair use policy. If you return an item within 21 days from the date of delivery or the date your package was ready for pickup, we will arrange a refund to your original payment method used. We will do our best to process your refund within 14 days of receiving your returned item.

And after that?

After the respective return periods, we do not accept returns for unwanted items.

In order for a return to be processed and the purchase price credited, the returned item must be in perfect and unworn condition. Of course, it is okay to try on an item as you would in a store, but please do not wear items you are planning to return. Afterwards, please send the item back to us with the price tag. All returns will be inspected upon arrival. If an item is returned to us that is damaged, already worn, or otherwise in unacceptable condition, we will not be able to issue you a refund. Please make sure your items are securely packed and cannot be damaged in transit. Be sure to get a shipping receipt so we can make sure your return is on its way to us. We are not responsible for items that are accidentally returned to us.

Fair use

If we notice an unusual pattern in your returns that seems odd, and where we suspect, for example, that someone is wearing their ordered items and then returning them, or that the returned items do not match what you ordered - we may have to deactivate the account in question, as well as any associated accounts. If this happens and you think we have made a mistake, please contact us immediately.

Please note that we reserve the right to take legal action against you if the items you return do not match the ones you ordered.